[GIS] Converting ArcMap shapefile with labels to KML (labels retained)


I am having problem i converting a shapefile with label to Google Earth KML using ArcGIS Desktop 10.1. I would like to convert a shapefile with label into KML wherein the label is retained in KML and readable. I have tried to convert the shapefile but the label in kml is unreadable.

enter image description here.

Best Answer

You appear to be encountering a known limit when converting line and polygon labels to KML.

This is documented as Technical Article 43000: Labels do not appear in Google Earth after converting to KML:

This is a known limit. Google Earth only displays labels for point features (placemarks). To display labels for line or polygon features in Google Earth, midpoints or centroids for those feature classes must be created as a point layer in ArcMap and imported as a separate layer to Google Earth.

Workarounds using Advanced level, as well as Basic and Standard level licenses, are documented in that Technical Article.