GeoJSON – Converting ArcGIS Server JSON to GeoJSON


I'm creating a web map using Leaflet, and I want to be able to grab feature layers from our ArcServer. I have successfully been able to retrieve a feature class as JSON, but Esri's JSON objects don't follow the GeoJSON standards so they cannot be displayed.

Does anyone know of a conversion script or tool that handles this?

If not, I plan on creating a script to convert ArcServer JSON objects to GeoJSON.

Best Answer


ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON test.json "*&f=json" OGRGeoJSON

That command will read the query result directly from the URL. You can also supply it with a text file containing your JSON or you can directly supply encoded JSON on the command line. You can of course use ORG Python bindings to automate it within a script if necessary, or the library to do it in code.

For those that like web services, see Ogre an ogr2ogr web client which can convert json to geojson to and back, as well as geojson to shapefile.


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