[GIS] Converting a .lasd (Lidar) coordinate system

arcgis-desktopcoordinate systemlasdlidar

How can one change a coordinate system for a .lasd (Lidar) dataset?

The file is currently in UTM_Zone_15N and I am trying to convert it to IL_East.

Best Answer


Depending on the ArcGIS version, some LiDAR tools will allow reprojecting through the Environment settings: Output Coordinate System.

For example, the Tile LAS tool:

The output LAS tiles can be reprojected by ... specifying an Output Coordinate System in the environment settings ... .

Original answer:

LiDAR (.las) files and LASdataset files (.lasd) cannot be reprojected within ArcGIS.

A .lasd file is a LAS dataset file developed by ESRI.

The LAS dataset does not import point data contained in the LAS files; it simply stores reference to these LAS files and surface constraints.

According to ArcGIS Help 10.1 one can set a spatial reference to a LAS dataset going to the ArcCatalog, LAS Dataset properties, and then, XY Coordinate System tab.

However, this won't change/reproject the actual .las files. It is only recommended when the .las files do not originally contain the spatial reference and one knows which CRS they belong to.

Strongly recommend reading: LAS dataset considerations - Spatial reference, which includes ESRI's constraints about this topic.

Alternatively, there are other software which will allow reprojection of .las files (example).

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