[GIS] Convert .xyz to contours


Can anyone help me convert .xyz file to a contours? I have recieved some .xyz files from the local council and am hoping to turn them into a terrain for 3d modelling. I have tried the ASCII to feature class but the points do not appear on my map (geolocated and all).

I have emailed the council and am waiting to hear back whether or not they have .dem files but would rather work out how to do it myself.

I have attached the .xyz file so someone may be able see if the data is in the correct format for importing.


Best Answer

Simple method:

Rename the file(s) to csv or asc to see the tables (you may need to edit each one and add a header line), create a feature class from XY table (or make XY event layer) then perform a Point to Raster (your cellsize is 15 metres), this will give you a DEM. With the DEM run GDAL_Contour or Esri contour:

gdal_contour -i 10 D:\some_path\XYBQ30_04_01_2000_PointToRas1.img D:\some_path\XYBQ30_04_01_2000_Contour.shp

Better method (with extensions):

From the points created from the XY table create a Terrain and do your contours in Esri using Surface Contour (3d Analyst).

You can smooth out contours by resampling your data from 15m to say 5m using a bilinear method.

If you have a few to do you might be best to set your Snap Raster and Cell Size environments, this will ensure the cells line up. It is best to mosaic tiles together then clip out slightly more than you need as contours will end halfway through the last cell.

This is what I got from the tile: enter image description here

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