[GIS] Convert SHP to MIF/MID


I am new to GIS and QGIS software.

is there a batch convert function to convert shape files to mif/mid files?

I can do this individually but is time consuming?
I have seen similar functions on here to other formats but i cannot convert them for my needs. ie create both mif + mid files.

Is there a plugin?

I use windows 8. My output folder is C:\Data\Submit

I am looking for something simple like this;
Exporting several files at same time in QGIS?

Best Answer

You can use ogr2ogr from GDAL Utilities to batch convert several shape files to mid/mif. If you use OSGeo4W installer you can easy install GDAL Utilities. A simple script for you to convert all shape to mif/mid in the current directory:

@echo off for %%f in (*.shp) do ( set name=%%~nf ogr2ogr -f "MapInfo File" %name% -dsco FORMAT=MIF %%f )