[GIS] Convert PostgreSQL Polygon to PostGIS POLYGON


I have an existing table in postgres which contains a plain old posgresql polygon. I have added a new column using

SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('public','fences','geom',4326,'POLYGON',2);

I would like to populate this GIS column with the polygon data from the existing column.

The existing column is called poly and the data looks like the following:


Is there a query I can run that will pull that poly field convert it to a postgis polygon and insert it into the new geom column?

Best Answer

It's not an elegant solution, but you could try to convert Polygon string representation into WKT and use ST_GeomFromText

select ST_GeomFromText(
    'POLYGON ' || 
        '\,(?=[0-9])', ' ', 'g') 
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