[GIS] convert points to same utm zone

convertlatitude longitudeutm

I have lat/long and when I convert to UTM, my points are in zones 35 and 36.
is it possible to "transform" or "project" (I am not sure which word is used to do this operation) the UTM coordinates from zone 36 to zone 35 ?

Edit: Just to clarify
I have those two coordinates.

point 1: is in 35L 460880.04 E 8327740.29 S
point 2: is in 36L 201956.55 E 8375498.52 S

is there any way to say: point 2 is in 35L xxxxxxx E yyyyyy S ?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Since you didn't specified which software you re using I'm assuming that is either ArcGIS or QGIS.

ArcGIS: you can change the Later's coordinate system by right-clicking it on the table of contents and choosing another UTM zone, this only changes the view a not the data it self. to change the data's coordinate system use the Project tool under Data Management Tools, DO NOT USE THE DEFINE PROJECTION TOOL IF YOUR DATA ALREADY HAS A PROJECT INFO! (this would mess your data beyond pretty bad) Help Docs

QGIS: right-click the data and open its properties choose a new coordinate reference system. After this just right-click the data again and re-saved it. If you only want to change the view go to Project on the top and open the project's properties, you can choose different coordinate systems there.More info

For the records: next time try to add more info on your question such as which software you are using, etc.