[GIS] Convert Points to Polygons in QGIS


Is it possible to convert Points into Polygons in QGIS 2.10 Pisa? I just want to create a 1x1m Polygon based on the centroid of each Point.
I tried Vector > Geometry Tools > Voronoi Polygons but that is not what I want at all.

Best Answer

By the sounds of it, you want to buffer your points (go Vector->GeoProcessing Tools->Buffer(s)). Push the 'segments to approximate' up to get a smoother circle.

If you want square buffers, unfortunately the plugin that did that has not been updated to work with QGIS 2.x. However a work around could be to rasterize your points with a resolution of 1m and then convert the raster to a vector. The alignment of some of your resultant polygons may be a bit off though as a raster is a regular grid and I assume your points are not aligned to a grid.

If you want a grid do a search as there are a few posts on that subject (hint - look in Vector->Research tools)

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