[GIS] Convert multiple GeoTIFF to one KMZ


I am using GDAL to convert GeoTIFF to KMZ. I am using the following command:

gdal_translate.exe -of KMLSUPEROVERLAY *.tif out.kmz

If I have one TIF file in the folder, it works ok. If I have more than one, then I receive the following error:

FAILURE: Too many command options.

How can I run the gdal_translate.exe command to combine more than one TIF file into one KMZ file?

Best Answer

If you have more than one GeoTIFF, you can mosaic them before the conversion. For instance, you can make a virtual mosaic from all of them contained in the same directory:

gdalbuildvrt mosaic.vrt *.tif
gdal_translate -of KMLSUPEROVERLAY mosaic.vrt out.kmz
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