[GIS] Convert Layer to Shapefile without losing Feature definitions


I have created a worldmap with custom defined features, representing State/Zip-Code sales areas. I want to convert them into a Shapefile, so I can convert the Shapefile into a polygon definition file for usage in Tableau.

When I do the following conversion, I lose the Feature definitions:
– I select the layer I want to export
– I do a DXF export
– I run Dxf2Shp Converter (plugin) to convert the DXF to a SHP
– When I then convert the SHP file to a Polygon definition file, I lose the feature groupings/definition.

A different Polygon shape is created for each little Island. For example, Hawaii would be separated into many different individual polygon shapes, while in my QGIS features, they are all grouped together as one. Basically, I'm losing the Feature grouping and get different polygons for each geographical island.

Any idea how to change/correct this? Or is there a better way of converting a QGIS file into a Shapefile?

Best Answer

You can use the Dissolve function on a column which contains attributes relating to a specific area. This should combine all separated polygons, such as those of Hawaii, into a single polygon.