[GIS] convert GPS to x,y using reference node

convertcoordinatesgpslatitude longitude

i am using sensor nodes and their antenna to calculate GPS coordinates as notation of (degrees/minutes/seconds), i have some question of how to do these things:

  1. how can i convert latitude and longitude to X,Y coordinate, then
    plot X,y points on a scale, also need to specify one node as
    reference one to calculate xy related to it.

  2. what is the Euclidean distance between GPS position, or it is
    applicable to calculate distances between the converted XY points ?

  3. i need equations to convert GPS to XY, please any helpful links !!

Best Answer

If i understood question right see this one How to measure the accuracy of latitude and longitude?. So basicly take off that n+1 gps point from first, to get relative distance and then use 111km per degree to distance in meters. Center everything to 0 and you should get nice graph

To convert decimal degrees read this article in wikipedia

If you want to plot GPS data right place on map, you need to reproject data. Read more in wikipedia. Tools like proj4, postgis , gdal etc.