[GIS] Convert GPS coordinate to ArcGIS x,y point

arcgis-runtime-sdk-iosconvertcoordinate systemios

I'm trying to plot some AGSSimpleMarkerSymbol's in a AGSGraphicsLayer. The issue I'm running into is that the data I'm starting with are GPS coordinates (lat/lon). I'm using AGSPoint to plot the data, however, AGSPoint wants x and y points – not lat/lon.

My question is, how do I convert my GPS coordinates to x and y points?

Best Answer

Basically you want to use the projectGeometry method from the AGSGeometryEngine class to convert from the GPS coordinate system to the coordinate system used by your map. Use the defaultGeometryEngine for this.

Assuming your GPS is giving you WGS-84 coordinates you could do something like this:

CLLocation* gpsLocation = ....

// create a AGSPoint from the GPS coordinates
AGSPoint* gpsPoint = [[AGSPoint alloc] initWithX:gpsLocation.coordinate.longitude
                                spatialReference:[AGSSpatialReference wgs84SpatialReference]];

AGSGeometryEngine* engine = [AGSGeometryEngine defaultGeometryEngine];

// convert GPS WGS-84 coordinates to the map's spatial reference
// (assuming self.mapView is your AGSMapView for your map)
AGSPoint* mapPoint = (AGSPoint*) [engine projectGeometry:gpsPoint 