[GIS] Convert from WGS84 to GDA94/MGA94 on iOS

australiaconvertcoordinate systemios

I have a mobile app (iPhone/iPad) for recording data and taking notes, including photographs, and a government client needs GPS coordinates attached to each photo.

They require coordinates in the GDA94 and/or MGA94 specification, but I can't find any concrete instructions how to convert from a standard lat/lon into those two — and sadly many of the references I did find are out of date or refer to 404 pages.

Is there a simple way to do the conversion? It doesn't need to be accurate since I'm just using a smartphone GPS chipset. But I'd like something with better than 1m accuracy.

As far as I can tell, WGS84 and GDA94 were identical in 1994 but due to continental drift are around 1.4 metres apart now (iOS GPS coordinates are in WGS84 aren't they? I couldn't find any definitive documentation for that either).

Best Answer

There's another page on the GeoScience Australia website at http://www.ga.gov.au/scientific-topics/positioning-navigation/geodesy/geodetic-techniques/calculation-methods#heading-4 which contains a link to an Excel file.

If you download this file, then un-hide rows 8-39, you may be able to unpick their formula and apply it in your app.

enter image description here