UTM – Converting Easting and Northing to Degrees North and West

degrees minutes secondsutm

I need to convert:

Easting 2451890.770
Northing 7438891.286

The location is in Dumfries, New Brunswick. I’m assuming it’s UTM from other search results I’ve seen. I have NO idea what to do

To degrees north and degrees west. How? Am I missing some piece of info?

Best Answer

These coordinates might be in New Brunswick Stereographic. Check your Easting coordinate, I think there is a missing digit. Using X=2451890.770 and Y=7438891.286 I arrive at N45° 56' 54.620", W67° 07' 13.896" in Dumfries.

This online converter can help you convert your coordinates from UTM/MTM/Stereo to Latitude/Longitude