[GIS] Convert DTM txt file in GeoTIFF file


I have a DTM file, txt format, I would like to convert it into GeoTIFF, how can I do with the software grass?

ncols         1329
nrows         1152
xllcorner     1693884
yllcorner     5080341
cellsize      5
NODATA_value  -9999
1120.142 1119.698 1119.085 1118.423 1117.761 1117.164 1116.76 1116.354 1115.948 1115.546 1115.151 1114.757 1114.265 1113.767 1113.534 1113.508 1113.482 1113.955 1114.433 1114.91 1115.124

Best Answer

In GRASS GIS, use r.in.arc for the import or simply r.in.gdal (Menu: File -> Import raster data -> Common formats import). This should read the file right away.

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