[GIS] Convert CSV GPS Logs to GPX on Android (GPSBabel on Android)


I bought a GPS Logger – a small device that will, while turned on, log the GPS Coordinates to a SD card every second. It has no display and no other UI than 3 buttons and a couple of LEDs.
The Device will write its log into a CSV files with the coordinates + meta data.

GPSBabel was a great help to get this csv into a GPX XML file very quick and easy.

However, as i will go on a hiking trip and i'd like to see my track while hiking, i would need an app that i could run on my Android phone or tablet (can't carry my linux laptop ;)).

Is there any app that might have this as a secondary feature that is so far at the end of the feature list that Google can't find it?

Best Answer

a colleague of me was so nice and wrote me a little Android App that solves my problem.

May this be helpful for others :)
