[GIS] Convert CSV files into OSM with FME


I have a database which i've exported as individual csv files for each table.

Below are some of the attributes which exist from two of the csv files:

wayPointID  linkID  order   x   y   z   length  radius


nodeID  x   y   z   name    description type

I'm in need of a method to convert this data into osm.

When I attempt just csv -> osm in fme, of course the output is only the osm xml headers.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

I have been able to use 2DPointReplacer to take the x and y attributes and it successfully outputs nodes.

However, he data I have does require the tables be joined in order to build attributes. Because of this I have to create a new id to each position and be ordered/continued across several tables.

I have written a python script which will do what I need but would like this done in FME.

Can anyone offer suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

To join the tables use featureMerger using the ID as key match. To create ID's use the counter.

hope it helps Regards Jorge Vidinha