[GIS] Convert .asc format into shapefile


I've got some data from "http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/SELECTION/inputCoord.asp" and it is in *.asc form. To process them I need to convert them to shapefile (need to merge them all into one shapefile and add attribute table, on and on …), but I don't know how. Some web sites such as "http://converter.mygeodata.eu/ " do convert my data but I'm talking about 2.5 GB of data and it is impossible for me to upload this much data … how can I convert them inside QGIS or ArcGIS ??? Is there another software that can convert my *.asc file into *.shp ???
A lot of thanks

Best Answer

You can try the GDAL utility gdal_polygonize.py. For example, to create a shapefile output.shp from input.asc:

gdal_polygonize.py -f "ESRI Shapefile" input.asc output.shp

Prerequisites: GDAL, Python and GDAL Python bindings.

But... Are you sure that SHP is the right format in order to work with such huge data?