[GIS] Conversion of X,Y in Decimal Degree form

arcgis-desktopcoordinate systemlatitude longitude

I found a DBF file from some govt site, It has X value as 6265001.698875606 
and Y value as 2287922.0458578467 and so on.

I want to convert these values into Decimal Degree format so that I could create points and could plot in my ArcGIS software, can anyone suggest me how to convert these values to decimal degree format?

Few more examples are:-

      X          ,          Y
6189755.067873105,  2289006.0368001014 
6203424.773145199   2289971.025355682 
6257970.097453281   2297143.056615263 
6360789.086368695   2298715.5160687715 
6342105.368158773   2299252.8617788553 
6186809.299486443   2300760.374511853 

Best Answer

You need to know the coordinate system of the coordinates in order to plot and also if you want to convert into lat/long. For example check at data source if there is any documentation. Then do this:

1 - Run tool Make XY Event Layer:

Creates a new point feature layer based on x- and y-coordinates defined in a source table. If the source table contains z-coordinates (elevation values), that field can also be specified in the creation of the event layer. The layer created by this tool is temporary.

After this the coordinates will be visible as points in the map.

2 - To make the layer permanent run Copy Features:

Copies features from the input feature class or layer to a new feature class.

3 - And if you want to convert into lat/long run Project:

Projects spatial data from one coordinate system to another.