[GIS] Connecting a PostgreSQL database in ArcGIS Pro gives instance/server machine error


I am trying to connect an PostgreSQL database made using pgAdmin 4 in ArcGIS Pro 2.0.1. PostgreSQL version is 10.0.

I tried several methods of connecting and how easy it is in QGIS I cannot find the reason why it doesn't work in ArcGIS Pro.

I followed the steps here, edited the pg_hba.conf file even by making so all connections to the database are allowed thinking this would be the issue but this didn't help.

I am configuring it like this now:

Database connection in ArcGIS pro

Where my database name in PGAdmin is this:

PGAdmin database list

I am using regular settings:

host name: localhost
port: 5432
username: postgres

But yet, whatever I try, this error pops up:

Error message

What I am doing wrong? This is my first time doing it on ArcGIS Pro and I didn't have any problems using other software.

Best Answer

User Vince answered this:

PostgreSQL 10 is not supported by any Esri releases.


Requirements for the current version (2.1):


Still no PostgreSQL 10 sadly.