[GIS] Connect to an ESRI Personal Geodatabase (*.mdb)


My environment:

Windows 7 Professional:
Service Pack 1

QGIS-Version: 2.8.2-Wien

Microsoft Office 2010 Professional:

I want to connect an ESRI Personal Geodatabase (*.mdb) with the "Add Vectorlayer" feature in QGIS
QGIS vector layer

The problem is with the Access Jet driver.

My Questions:

Has anybody successfully connected to an ESRI Personal Geodatabase in QGIS 2.8.2?

Best Answer

Thank you for your inputs.

My source is an ESRI Personal Geodatabase (*.mdb). I can open the source in MS Access. The table GDB_ColumInfo, GDB_GeoColumns, GDB_ITEMRELATIONSHIPS, etc. and many Geometry-Table are there.

I have already created a successful connection on File (Datei) and File Type ESRI-Personal GeoDatabase (*.mdb). It runs, but it is a "READ ONLY" Connection.

But now, I want a Connection on Database (Datenbank) with the hope this will be a "READ-WRITE" Connection.

I read a lot in the forum, I must first install the correct Access Jet Driver. 32bit or 64 bit under MS Windows System Settings enter image description here

I will now following the way from Michael Miles Stimson with northrivergeographic.com/qgis-accessing-personal-geodatabase