[GIS] Configuration of GeoServer and OpenLayers


I did the following:

  1. I installed GeoServer by the installer for Windows as a service and standard folders .
  2. Open http://localhost:8080/geoserver/www/ol-demo.html to test my GeoServer WMS layers and not appear the Google, Yahoo, Earth and WMS layers from my GeoServer service.
  3. I copied into the www folder with examples of OpenLayers beginners, this folder contains the img folder, theme, metadata file, openlayers.js OpenLayers and my code examples from the book.

So I opened and ran http://localhost:8080/geoserver/www/code/chapter_5_ex3_google_layer_mashups.html Google Layer, the overlay of WMS example, not my local layer) .


  1. I used the Windows installer, it installed the GeoServer software is it alright? Thus no Tomcat or other container?
  2. What can be wrong in the settings of my GeoServer server to not be serving the layers?

Installed according to the instructions from the official website, to run manually as a service, with personalized folder in the default folder and no attempt worked.

  1. In this example http://localhost:8080/geoserver/www/ol-demo.html it not only calls the WMS layer (which is on my localhost), but also calls Google, Yahoo and Earth these should appear on the map, but don't.

My initial goal is to make the overlay of my WMS layers provided by PostGIS on Google Maps, where I did not succeed. So I decided to use the demo to see if my GeoServer server is working.

Any help is welcome, as I am with this problem for days and I do not know that attempts to do.

Best Answer

First thing GeoServer being a java webapp requires a container. The Windows installer, which is not meant for production use IMHO, contains an embedded version of Jetty which is a servlet container.

That said, it is not GeoServer who is overlaying data onto GoogleMaps it is OpenLayers.

I would suggest to split your concerns:

  1. try a simple OL example to show your data
  2. try to use GMaps as back end and then overlay data from GeoServer