[GIS] Conducting geographically weighted regression on a raster

arcgis-desktopgeographically-weighted-regressionpythonrspatial statistics

I have a relatively big raster file on which I want to conduct geographically weighted regression. Size of raster ~ 2 GB and number of rows is around 100,000

One way might be to convert from raster to polygon and then use the GWR in ArcGIS. However, the raster to polygon conversion is taking too long.

Is there any function in R or python which can conduct GWR on big rasters? Alternatively, any approach on how to sample a huge raster so that I can run GWR on the smaller sample?

Best Answer

Apparently, there is a GWR function in R. I have not applied it myself, so I have no idea if it can be applied to rasters, but I did find this document for the command in R:


and this GWR python library:


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