[GIS] Concatenating fields using VBscript in ArcGIS Field Calculator


I'm trying to get one column of text to move into another column that already has text. I DON'T want to replace it, I want the transferring text to be added to the already existing text in a shp file attribute table.


permit   acct id
123      567
324      456

I want to take the "acct id" numbers and bring them into the permit column and have it look like this…


Best Answer

You need to concatenate information from two fields using the & operator (see this link for all supported operators) . You can do this from ArcGIS's Field Calculator using [mycol1] =:

[mycol1] & [mycol2]

If you want a space in between the two values:

[mycol1] & " " & [mycol2]

This only works for text type destination fields. If you want something fancier, then you probably need to do some preprocessing in the "Advanced" mode.

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