[GIS] Compiling custom plugins for QGIS on Windows


I've made my first plugin using plugin builder and I want to compile it. I read that I need two commands to do it under windows: pyuic4 and pyrcc4. But when I use any of these commands I get this:

D:\Programy\QGis\bin>pyuic4 -o C:\Users\noaal\.qgis2\python\plugins\Test\Test.py
ImportError: No module named site

I also read that I must change system path in windows, but I don't know to which location. So anyone have any clue?

Best Answer

One method to compile custom-made plugins is to run the cmd prompt or the OSGeo4W shell via:

Start > QGIS folder > _OSGeo4W

Type cd, enter the directory of your plugin to make that the current directory and then type make. This should compile your plugin.

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