[GIS] Comparing two DEMs with RMSE


I am relatively new to GIS. I am trying to compare a DEM that I developed through photos from an aerial drone and a DEM that we developed through traditional surveying methods.

Exactly how would I get the RMSE? I saw some similarly asked questions that explained how to use R to get it, but I am very unfamiliar with any sort of coding. Is there anyway to get the RMSE through Spatial Analyst or other already available tools?

Best Answer

There are numerous ways to examine the differences between two surfaces. A starting point would be:

  1. Subtracting the two DEMs shows the differences as a map, which can indicate areas where one or both are erroneous.
  2. Scatterplot with one on the X-axis and one on the Y-axis, to show correlation.
  3. Calculate co-variance, RMSE, bimodality etc between the two datasets.
  4. Creating contours from both layers and analyze those statistically.

Also, you could read Comparison of three contour lines or What is a good metric for mapping accuracy for ideas.

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