[GIS] Compare values of two features by FME


Can you help me to compare fields in two tables? I have two tables, which contain ID and Measure fields. I need to take stroke by stroke values from field1(table1) and find all values in field1(table2) which are less than sought-for value. And then take largest of them and put it on stroke field2(table1). Example showed on picture below.enter image description here

Best Answer

OK, so you basically need to compare each of the records in table 2 against each record in table 1. To me that suggests you are going to need a loop of some sort. You could either use a loop (or nested loops) inside a Custom Transformer, or you could do an alternative type of loop using a list.

For the Custom Transformer, check out this FMEpedia example, or read chapter three of the FME Desktop Advanced training course.

For the list-type looping, check out my blog post on the subject.

Hope this helps. It's a tricky problem, but one that should be solvable with a little work.