[GIS] Combining UTM Zones

coordinate systemrepresentationutm

I'm working with an area spanning two UTM zones. The magazine I will submit my work to needs the projection in UTM.

Is it possible to combine two neighbouring UTM zones to present a map/data that spans them?

Best Answer

If the extent of your map falls within 2 UTM zones, and you are required to use a UTM projection, you could either:

1) Choose the defined UTM zone that more of your map extent falls within. For example, if you are between zones 34N and 35N and more of your map coverage is on the 34N side, create your map in the standard EPSG 32634 and specify that this was used.

2) Locate the center of your map coverage extent, and set this longitude value as the central meridian for a transverse mercator (UTM) projection. Provide the projection parameters to your publication (as long as nonstandard projection would be acceptable).