[GIS] Combining different geometry types into same feature class


I've searched the question in this blog. Maybe I don't use the right words but anyway my problem is not present in any post so I'll try to explain my question by opening a new one.

I have a polygon shape (eg states).
I calculated the centroids and the function saved them in an another file (Feature To Point function).

Now I have 2 separated layers, point and polygon shape (centroids and polygons), but I need a unique shape.
Functions Merge and Union (if I understand what I've read) can only be made between shape with the same feature class (point-point, line-line, polygon-polygon).

I need a layer that contains, for example, the polygons of the states and their centroids
Is there a way to get the results I need?
Or a procedure to get the centroids of the polygons on the same shape?
I hope I explained
Sorry for the bad english!

Best Answer

No, the Esri data model does not support multiple topology classes in a single column. Nor does it support multiple columns with geometry. The closest you can come is to add the point as Well-Known Text in a string field.

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