[GIS] Combine overlapping rasters and include cells with no data


I'd like to combine about a dozen rasters into one raster that contains the "summed" cell values where overlaps occur. In doing so, I need to be able to retain cells that either have no data, or that do not overlap with any other rasters.

FYI, Cell values are stored in an integer field in each raster.

I have tried the Raster Calculator, however it doesn't seem to do well with the "No Data" cells- it only creates summed cells where rasters overlap.

I have also tried the "Cell Statistics" tool, however the output feature it generates doesn't have any data.

Best Answer

As you mentiond, NO DATA is not a problem. Thus in order to overcome the overlapping issue, you should modify the tool's processing extent to UNION OF ALL INPUTS, within tool's environment settings. See image belowExample

EDIT: The solution above might create a trade off between NoData values in overlapping areas and the inclusion of none-overlapping areas. Thus another solution is suggested. Use the Mosaic to a new Raster tool - with sum operation for the overlapping cells of a raster. see image: Mosaic