[GIS] Colouring contour lines in shapefile when lines are not meeting in QGIS


I am doing bathymetry analysis, where I would like to color the contours one by one in the case land is rising (or sea level going down). There is a comprehensive explanation about coloring contours (Colouring areas between (vector) contours?) but it is not working since my contours never meet.
I didn't success to change the .shp file with one contour to polygon correctly: I wanted the "land side" of the contour to become polygon, not other way round.

I have several .shp files of contours about the sea bottom topography, but the proper visualization is still missing.

I am using QGis 2.2.

Best Answer

One fast way for doing visual analysis is to use DEM as starting point and classify it with pseudocolors. You can edit the class ranges and colors etc. to suit your needs.

Styling DEM as pseudocolor

For further analysis you can use the raster calculator. The next screen capture shows how to make a black/white image where pixels with height<10 m are white and pixels above 10 m black. You can continue with gdal_polygonize tool http://www.gdal.org/gdal_polygonize.html and convert this B/W image into polygon shapefile.

enter image description here

enter image description here

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