[GIS] Color ramp in multiple attributes symbology (Arcmap)


I am trying to use the "multiple attributes" symbology tool in Arcmap 10.

I would like to divide my data in 2 categories. For each categories, I would like to display a color ramp.

I read ESRI's documentation about that, but I can't figure how to obtain the proper color ramp:


I want to have a "green" color ramp for the first category (value '0'), and a "red" color ramp for the second one (value '1').

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your help

Best Answer

Multiple Attributes is not designed to work like that so instead:

  1. Use Quantities>Graduated Colors on one field and then do a Copy/*Paste Layer(s)* of that layer to create a second one for which you can change the field and color ramp used.
  2. To exclude complementary features from the two layers set a Definition Query (tab on layer Properties) on each of the layers.
  3. You may also want to think about creating a Layer Group from the two layers so that you can turn it off/on with a single click.
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