[GIS] Cloning or duplicating feature within feature class using ArcMap


Is there a way to copy selected features, then paste them into the same feature class (and then edit some attributes)?

e.g. If I have a land parcel that has more than one owner, how can I create multiple instances of that feature without having to import or load it for each owner? I just want to copy and paste it then edit the 'Owner' field.

Best Answer

There are a few ways to do this. Within an active editing session you can simply use the Copy and Paste tools on the main tool bar. I dialogue window will pop-up asking you which layer you want to paste it into. A second option is to use the Copy Features Tool that is part of the Advanced Editing Toolbar. This tool will also pop-up a window asking you which layer you would like to save the feature to (assuming you may have multiple layers loaded in ArcMap).