[GIS] Clipping Single Raster with Multiple Polygons in ArcGIS ModelBuilder


I am quite new to using iterators, and ModelBuilder in general. I have a .tiff format raster (not a feature class) and I would like to clip it with 18 polygon shapefiles which are spatially present within the raster extent.

I looked at some other model formulas, such as Batch Clip in ModelBuilder of ArcGIS for Desktop?

But, I just can't seem to get it working in ArcGIS 10.2.

Any ideas how I can set up a model which would automate this process and export 18 unique clipped rasters?

I have edited below and added the final correct model.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Playing off of your current model something like this should work.

enter image description here

As @Hornbydd mentioned using inline substitution in the clip output will allow you to create unique output names so your output isn't overwritten each time. Also make sure you use the Clip (Data Management) tool for the raster clip.

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