ArcGIS Desktop – Clipping Shapefile of Circle Features Using Raster in ArcGIS Desktop


I want to keep all the features in the shapefile that lie in the raster region and reject others. How do i do this?

Data to be Clipped: Is A Shapefile of 1 mile circles.

Data I want it clipped with : is a Raster (GeoTiff or ADF).

Now I want to find out all the Circles from shapefile that overlap on the Raster.

I do not want to modify the raster here. I want those features (circles) from the Shapefile removed which do not overlap with the raster.

I have tried the tool mentioned by Dano, but tools expects a feature input in the second field, and not a raster directly.

Best Answer

I think to use arcgis you will need to create a footprint of your raster.
Similar solution to this Recent answer here.
Then follow the instructions of Dano.

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