QGIS – Clipping Raster with Mask and Resolving AAIGrid Error


I am using QGIS 2.18.4 Las Palmas on Windows 10 (32 bits).

I need to clip raster (TIF) 1 km resolution imagery files downloaded from MODIS using a shapefile mask of Argentina. To do so I tried to use the Clipper tool in the GDAL plugin. All of my layers are in the same coordinate reference system and I have the "Enable on the fly CRS transformation" option disabled.

After doing Raster >> Extraction >> Clipper >> Clipping mode: mask layer, I get the following error message:

Output driver 'AAIGrid' not recognised or does not support direct
output file creation. The following format drivers are configured and
support direct output: …

followed by a list of 45 supported outputs.

After a thorough online search of related problems and potential solutions, I feel like I have exhausted all possibilities.

Could someone point me in the right direction please?

Best Answer

I've seen this problem too (on QGIS 2.18.3), although I don't seem to be able to reproduce it on-demand. Normally it defaults to GTiff, but sometimes decides it'll default to AAIGrid instead (maybe because it's first in the list alphabetically?)

It's fairly easy to work around, in the dialog you can click on the 'pencil' icon, and edit the command line.

Where you see

-of AAIGrid

replace this with

-of GTiff

(or whatever driver you want to use instead)

The dialog for clip calls gdalwarp, you can find the various options here

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