[GIS] Clipping polygons (vector) map with polygon (vector) layer


In QGIS 1.8 Lisboa version in Windows 7 I want to clip a soil map (multiple polygon vectors) with a single polygon (rectangular polygon vector). The project projection is set at NAD27 UTM 12N. The soil map is Lambert Conformal Conic NAD83 and the clipping rectangular polygon is NAD27 UTM 12N.

In the project setting I have checked the box "Allow on the fly transformation. The operation: Vector > Geoprocessing Tools > Clip
input vector file (the soils)
clip layer (the rectangle)
output shalefile (new name)

Results: The layers section lists my new file BUT the file does not display and when I click on the file listed and look at the attribute table the FIELDS from the soil map are shown but there are no records in the table.

  1. What am I doing wrong?
  2. What coordinates will the new map be in? That of the soil map or that of the clipping layer?

Best Answer

I believe the answer is that your clipping polygon needs to be in the same projection as the data you are clipping it with. When geoprocessing, especially for accurate results, it's best to make sure all of your data is in the same projection.