[GIS] Clipping ArcGIS MapServer Map Service using QGIS


I’m quite an inexperienced QGIS user (2.18 on Ubuntu 16.04).

I’m working on an irrigation scheme and for that I need some information on the elevation difference between two points.

Luckily, the project is in Wallonia (Belgium) which has a high resolution DEM (http://geoservices.wallonie.be/arcgis/rest/services/RELIEF/WALLONIE_MNT_2013_2014/MapServer).

I managed to get this map into Qgis using the « Add ArcGIS MapServer layer »(encoding png32).

I’m now trying to clip it (so I then can transform it into a point shapefile which would be usable). I can’t use the raster>extraction>clipper option (I suppose it’s due to some map protection). So I tried to « save the raster layer as… » a .tiff image (not creating VRT) using the extend of the land on which i’m working. It doesn’t work either but in a strange way :

  • First it says that the saving is completed
  • Then it says that my .tif file is not a supported raster file (which
    is quite strange)
  • Last but not least, it actually doesn’t create any .tif file in the folder I selected

How can I clip this DEM using either a polygon or the map view extent while keeping the original resolution?

Best Answer

As nmtoken indicates, you can't work directly with WMS-services. You need the data on your drive, so you either request the tiff, or you save the desired extent as a picture (or better several which you later merge).