[GIS] Clipping a tiff image using another tiff image using Python


I am working on a code to clip a raster with another raster. I have a forestcover.tiff image and I want to clip it by using other image clip.tiff which extend lies within it. I don't want to use arcpy module because it requires ArcGIS installed. My code should work for all users.

Best Answer

You can use the subprocess module with the GDAL command line utilities to solve this.

import subprocess

#input files
forestcover = "/data/forestcover.tif"
clip = "/data/clip.tif"

#output files
cutline = "/data/cutline.shp"
result = "/data/result.tif"

#create the cutline polygon
cutline_cmd = ["gdaltindex", cutline, clip]

#crop forestcover to cutline
#Note: leave out the -crop_to_cutline option to clip by a regular bounding box
warp_cmd = ["gdalwarp", "-of", "GTiff", "-cutline", cutline, "-crop_to_cutline", forestcover, result]