QGIS – Creating Clickable HTML Links in Print Composer PDF Export


According to qgis help files here:

'Labels can be interpreted as html code: check the checkbox Render as HTML. You can now insert a url, an clickable image that link to a web page or something more complex.'

And yet, my label with the contents:

<a href="http://google.com">google</a>

produces a pdf that's rendered with 'google' in blue text like a link but it's not clickable.

Is it possible to have clickable links in the output? And if so, what am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

Update: for a more recent thread on this topic, see https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/362251/35561

It seems like this is currently not possible

I couldn't find a feature request for this on the QGIS bug tracker with a quick search. For more info on how feature requests are handled, see How to effectively get things changed in QGIS?

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