QGIS Attribute Options – How to Choose Multiple Options from QGIS Check Box or Value Map


I am presently working with some layers containing location data for plots/parcel data. Some of the parcels have multiple use types.

Is it possible to configure the Check Box or Value Map (widgets type) so that it can allow me/user to input/choose multiple options in cases where the parcel has more than one use type?

I am using QGIS 2.18

Best Answer

I found a solution like that:

  • Create a CSV file which contains use types (Parcel_Types.csv).
    File content: (example)

  • Add it using "Layer > Add Layer > Add Delimited Text Layer". Choose "No Geometry"

  • Add ParcelType field to Parcel_Layer. Field type should be the same with types in CSV. That's, since type1, type2, etc are string, therefore, type of the field should be string (Text). If values are integer (for example: type code 1, 2 instead of type1, type2) in CSV, then field type should be integer.

  • Open "Layer Properties > Fields". Set options as in the image. (choose Parcel_Types table (comes from csv) as Layer, check "Allow multiple selections")

enter image description here

  • Now you can make multiple selections for 'use types' of parcel in "Editing Mode".

enter image description here

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