[GIS] Checking if a polygon contains multiple point geometries using PostGIS


This is not a a duplicate of the "Count Points in Polygon with Postgis", since in the ST_Contains(geometry geomA, geometry geomB), this case has two geometries (start_geom and end_geom) in geomB, while the other question is about only one geometry.

Input polygon table us_county:

Column  |            Type             |                        Modifiers                        
 gid      | integer                     | not null default nextval('us_county_gid_seq'::regclass)
 statefp  | character varying(2)        | | 
 geoid    | character varying(5)        | 
 name     | character varying(100)      | 
 geom     | geometry(MultiPolygon,4269) |

Input point table trips:

Column    |         Type         |                      Modifiers                      
 id           | integer              | 
 gid          | integer              | not null default nextval('trips_gid_seq'::regclass)
 start_geom  | geometry(Point,4326) | 
 end_geom    | geometry(Point,4326) | 

I want to use to check if a polygon in us_county could contain both start_geom and end_geom of a trip points.

I've tried the following queries:

1. this query returns an empty result, which is not right

select us_county.name, count(trips.gid) 

from trips, us_county

where st_contains(us_county.geom, trips.start_geom) and 
      st_contains(us_county.geom, trips.end_geom)

group by us_county.name;

2. a second thought is to use ST_Collect() function:

select us_county.name, count(trips.gid) 

from trips, us_county 

where st_contains(ST_Transform(us_county.geom, 4326),  
ST_Collect(trips.start_geom, trips.end_geom))

Group by us_county.name;

But this turns out to be very slow, for 3k polygon and 50k points, the query run over 40min.

Best Answer

You can combine the points with ST_Collect:

SELECT us_county.name, count(trips.gid) 
FROM trips, us_county
WHERE ST_Contains(us_county.geom, 
                  ST_Collect(trips.start_geom, trips.end_geom))
GROUP BY us_county.name;
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