[GIS] Changing pixel size in ‘asc’ file using QGIS


I have soil data and BioClim data from Australia

soil data:

rows 2200
columns 1400
pixel size 0.0025, -0.0025 255

BioClim data:

rows 660 
columsn 420 
pixel size 0.00833333, -0.00833333

I am using QGIS but happy to use commandline or Python. How can I resample the soil data to match the pixel size of the BioClim data? I would like to add this to my Maxent model and I am sure it needs to be the same resolution.

I have looked for duplicate questions but could not see anything that specifically did this.

Best Answer

gdalwarp -tr should deliver what you want.

gdal_translate -outsize does basically the same thing, if both datasets share the same extent.

In QGIS, Raster -> Projections -> Warpand Raster -> Conversions -> Translate call the same functions. For the first one, you have to edit the command line to get the -tr option.

You might have to do additional steps if the cell extent must match exactly.

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