Changing Layer Symbology in QGIS 3 with QgsFeatureRendererV2


I am updating a QGIS Plugin from QGIS 2 to 3 and I am struggling with changing the layer symbology (a single symbol type for a line layer). I would like to have all lines in my layer to have the same color and the same thickness.
For QGIS 2 it worked like this:

symbols = iface.activeLayer().rendererV2().symbols()
symbol = symbols[0]
symbol.setColor(QColor.fromRgb(0, 225, 0))

For QGIS 3, I understood from the API break documentation that rendererV2() has been renamed to renderer(). Further, symbols() has been removed:

symbols( QgsRenderContext& context ) method should be used instead (previously available as symbols2 in PyQGIS bindings).

I find it hard to connect this information and what I find under the QgsRenderContext documentation to my problem.

An explanation on how to solve such issue based on the documentations would be helpful.

Best Answer

If it's a single symbol renderer, then something like:

layer = iface.activeLayer()
single_symbol_renderer = layer.renderer()

symbol = single_symbol_renderer.symbol()
symbol.setColor(QColor.fromRgb(0, 225, 0))

# more efficient than refreshing the whole canvas, which requires a redraw of ALL layers

# update legend for layer
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