[GIS] Changing “Default” label in label manager of ArcGIS Desktop


Does anyone know if there is a way to change the Default Label in the Label Manager for ArcGIS 10?

Otherwise is there a way to mass label features. I have about 500 feature layers in this MXD and in each of the layer tables is a column named "Label". Because the locations were geocoded, the default uses the text string from the column "Loc_name". I'd like it to use my label column for all of them.

In the label manager, I have the option to label everyone with the default, thats why i originally asked if that default can be changed.

I've tryed to copy the text string from my column into "Loc_name" but the feild length is set at 14 and it is un-editable and 14 is not enough characters.

Best Answer

Go to the labeling toolbar (Customize > Toolbars > Labeling), click the 'label manager' and find the layer you want to label, then under 'text string' there is a drop down menu called 'label field' where you can choose which column you want to use as the label.

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