[GIS] Changing Data Source of Layer in QGIS


Is there a way to source a shapefile to a layer file in QGIS much like how you do this in the properties of an ArcGIS layer? (i.e. Go to layer properties, source tab and then just depress the 'Set Dat Source' button)

I've been all over the layer properties in QGIS and I don't see this anywhere…

EDIT: I've received comments explaining that you cannot do this with shapefiles, but if I were to change the name of a shapefile and then open a pre-existing project file which contains this shapefile as a layer, I will get the 'Handle Bad Layers' dialogue, which allows me to navigate and re-source the layer to any shapefile I want to. I find it odd that you can resource in that scenario, but you cannot do it manually through the layer properties dialogue box.

Best Answer

This can now be done easily with a plugin:



It adds a button when you right click on a vector layer "Change vector datasource", so just as easy as Arc.

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