[GIS] change font size of elements in dropdown menu store


I am creating of list of building names from a query, which then populates a dojo.ItemFIleReadStore. This store then populates a dropdown menu (using dijit.Form.ComboBox), where the user makes a selection.

My problem is that I cannot change the font size of the dropdown list. I can change the font size of the placeholder in the ComboBox, and also of the final selected result, but not the font size in the dropdown list itself.

Here is the HTML for the combo box:

<div id="list">
  <select id="menu" dojotype="dijit.form.ComboBox"
  value="autoComplete="true" placeholder="Options:" class="comboBoxClass" 
  required="false" onchange="executeSelectedQuery(this)">

and here is the basics of the JS for the store item:

 var dataItems = {
    identifier : 'name',
    label : 'name',
    items : values

var menuStore = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({
    data : dataItems,
    clearOnClose : true

I can change the font-size of the placeholder with

and change the font-size of the result string with :

in css, but neither of these will change the font size of the stored drop down list of items.


(I am using ArcMap 10.0 and ArcGIS Javascript API 3.4)

Best Answer

Override .dijitMenuItem like so:

.dijitMenuItem {
  font-size: 2em;

Example: http://jsbin.com/OkEtoci/1/edit