[GIS] Change Coordinate System of a raster in ArcMap

arcmapcoordinate system

I have a problem with changing the coordinate system of a raster data set in ArcMap. The actual spatial reference of the Raster is specified as GCS_WGS_1984 in the Layer Properties. I want to change this into WGS_1984_Antarctic_Polar_Stereographic. I tried to do so in the Data Frame Properties. As a result my raster disappears and I can't even zoom to the Layer. When I try it with Geographic Coordinate System Transformations I can not select the wanted System. Maybe it is also important to tell, that when I load the Raster into ArcMap the following Error Message appears:

one or more of the added layers has an extent that is not consistent
with the associated spatial reference information.

What can I do to change the Coordinate System?

Best Answer

What you want is Project Raster:

Transforms a raster into a new projection.

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