[GIS] Centering a map in ArcMap’s layout view


I am trying to put a map into the center of my ArcMap's layout view. I have checked various options (Full Extent; Zoom in and out; File –> Page Print Setup) but neither of them solved the problem.

Currently, my map looks like this:

enter image description here

And a while ago I managed to produce this map. I remember that it involved selecting a pre-defined "A4" sized page in one of the menus. Unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce how I got there.

enter image description here

Now I would like to center the first map in the same way as the second map. I am aware of at least a subset of similar questions that were asked on this site. All solutions that I found there, however, involved manually shifting the map around. Ideally, I would like to reproduce exactly what I did such that the map extent of both maps is the same.
Edit: See comment to answer below

enter image description here

Best Answer

Assuming you still have the map document (mxd file) for the first map you created (the one with the correct layout), you can use it is a template for your new map.

Open your new map, go to the Layout View, and on the Layout toolbar click on the Change Layout button

enter image description here

Then browse to the mxd for your original map & select it. This will bring in the same page layout you used to create your first map. i.e. it will set the page size & orientation, the dataframe size & position and the legend size & position.

However, your map might still not look right, as the scale & map position will be incorrect.

You now need to go back to your original map document. Make sure you're in the Layout view. Click on the Bookmarks menu and select Create Bookmark. Give your new bookmark a name & press OK..

enter image description here

Now click on the Bookmarks menu again and select Manage Bookmarks. Select the bookmark and click save > save selected. Choose a sensible place to save your bookmark.

enter image description here

Now go back to your new map document. In the Layout view, go to the Bookmarks menu, select Manage Bookmarks and click on the Load button.

Now you can browse to the bookmark your just saved & select it.

Your map will now pan & zoom to the exact same extent as your original map.

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