[GIS] Categorical Legend raster plot – R


I have the following RasterLayer containing categorical values for each pixel. I am using the following code to plot it

plot(LC, legend=FALSE, col=c("lightcyan3","royalblue","forestgreen","coral3","papayawhip"),xaxt='n', yaxt='n') 

legend("bottom", legend=c("Urban","Water","Forest","Agriculture", "Bare soil"),fill=c("lightcyan3","royalblue","forestgreen","coral3","papayawhip"),horiz = TRUE, inset=-0.175)

enter image description here

In total I have 5 classes but due to the configuration of the legend only 4 are swhon. I want all the elements of the legend to be closer. I have tried to used text.width=c(1,1,1,1) for example to set the distances but it is not doing the job.

I am using a similar approach as the one proposed here and was considering also to use the rasterVis package

Best Answer

Have you tried to pass cex = 0.75 in the legend function call?

However, I have no problems with the spacing for the legend with or without cex.


ras <- raster(ncol = 100, nrow = 100)
ras <- setValues(ras, (1:ncell(ras)) / 100 + rnorm(ncell(ras)) - 50)

par(xpd = FALSE)
  legend = FALSE,
  col = c(
  xaxt = 'n',
  yaxt = 'n'

par(xpd = TRUE)
  legend = c("Urban", "Water", "Forest", "Agriculture", "Bare soil"),
  fill = c(
  horiz = TRUE,
  inset = -0.175

If you want to use the rasterVis package there is an example for categorical rasters here.